Residential painting
We all want a place we can proudly call home, and one of the easiest and most affordable ways to infuse your personality into your space is through a fresh coat of paint. Our residential painting experts know the ins and outs of residential painting and will work with you from start to finish to bring your vision to life.
From exterior painting jobs and interior painting jobs or a combination of both, we can handle residential painting projects of all shapes and sizes.
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Color Consultation Services
Don’t know what color to use? Ask us about our professional color consultation services!
Residential Painting Projects
Our Residential Painting Process
Step 1: Get a Free Quote
When you contact us for a residential painting quote, you can choose whether you’d like an in-person or virtual estimate. To make your residential painting project as simple and painless as possible, a Customer Success Manager will reach out to you and explain each step of our painting process and provide a detailed and transparent estimate. We aren’t the pushy salespeople you’re used to. Take the time you need to find your perfect painting contractor. We’re confident we’re the right team for the job.
Step 2: Schedule Paint Contractors
When you’ve decided to move forward with Paint Denver, the next step is to get your residential painting project scheduled. Our Communications Director will work with you to pick a time that works best with your schedule to send out our trusted team of Denver paint contractors.
Optional: Free Paint Color Consultation
For residential painting projects larger than $X,XXX, we provide a complimentary color consultation with a house painting design professional. We’ll help you choose the right colors for your right space so you can enjoy the results for years to come.
Step 3: Preparation
As your residential painting date approaches, preparation is key to ensure your Denver painting project goes smoothly. When the crew arrives, you will meet your Paint Contractor Team Leader and let them know where you would like them to start. We are one of the leading Denver residential interior and exterior painters for a reason – we work efficiently and in a way that is convenient for you!
Step 4: Open Communication
We are big believers that keeping an open line of communication is fundamental to delivering the highest quality results for your Residential Painting project. At Paint Denver, a Customer Success Manager is assigned to oversee your entire painting project from beginning to end. They will keep you informed on the status of the project and will be your go-to resource for any and all questions or concerns you may have.
Step 5: Cleaning Up
Let’s face it— painting can get a bit messy sometimes. Rest assured our professional residential painting crew will do their part in ensuring your business is spick and span before they call it a day.
Step 6: Post-Paint Follow Up
We aim to amaze every one of our customers with our work and service, which is why we have our Quality Assurance Program. It’s a Paint Denver promise that we will follow up and contact you after the paint has dried to ensure you’re completely satisfied. We want to make sure you are thrilled with the results, and that our crews meet (and exceed) your expectations.
denver Residential painter
the paint denver difference
Paint Denver is well-known in the Denver Metro area for our high-level of expertise, professionalism, and organization—especially when it comes to residential painting projects. To make the process as seamless as possible, we work together with our clients to create painting schedules that have the least impact on your life so you can get back to living in your freshly painted home!
If your home is in need of a fresh paint job, Paint Denver is the paint contractor to speak with. Contact us today for a free quote!
Ready to Get Started?
Ready to transform your home or business? Paint Denver is more than happy to help! Please provide your information below and one of our team members will contact you shortly.