Residential Painters Identify Common Defects in Wall Paint
Residential painters will tell you that applying wall paint to the surface of a home or a room entails a bit of knowledge on the types of paints, types of surface, and the processes. To make wall paints last longer, you should know about common defects in wall paint application to help avoid mistakes. Here are a few.
Surface Preparation
Residential painters will tell you, when painting your home, choosing paint color often becomes the focus while other factors that can affect paint quality and durability are overlooked. Surface preparation, is very crucial in the application of paint on walls and other surfaces. Skipping this step may cause defects such as formation of salt deposits and chalking caused by excess moisture on the surface and around it.
Why Interior Wall Color Is Important
You can avoid this problem by checking and cleaning all surfaces before applying paint. Repair plumbing, ceiling, floors, and other home features that may cause moisture to build up. In some cases, paint fails to hide underlying blemishes and stains. Knowing what type of paint to use as well as the application process, thinning solution, and drying time can most likely help you to avoid this defect.
Moisture Under Paint
A few other common defects that can be quite noticeable are warping, blistering, and bubbling. These defects occur when moisture gets trapped under layers of paint. Before applying paint, residential painters recommend to make sure that surface is dry, clean, and free of salt build-up. Going through these steps will also ensure that paint will adhere well on the surface.
Use of Different Types of Paint
Coating surface beyond prescribed number of coatings, painting over wet paint, or using different types of paint on one surface may cause peeling, sagging, or dripping. To avoid these common defects in paint, always use high quality paints, and choose the type of paint that best matches the type of surface to be applied on. Also, be sure to always follow directions as indicated.
Contact us about your Denver Interior House Painting ideas today.