Is your paint color fading? Painting the walls of a room is perhaps one of the most economical and easiest home improvement tasks that even most homeowners can do themselves.

But what’s worse than choosing a vibrant shade, only to have it look worn out and faded in a matter of months. What went wrong? What could you have done differently?What Causes Paint Color Fading?

Being aware of what causes paint color fading is the first step  to making wall paint last.

Here are the most common causes of fading paint and what you can do to prevent them:

Choosing the wrong type of paint

Weather conditions affect brilliance and vibrancy of wall paints. Choosing the right type of paint for a wall can help prevent fading. Aside for variants for indoor and outdoor paints, wall paints also vary in terms of finish. There are many types of paint, including glossy, semi-glossy, matte, and other variants, all of which can be used  depending on the effect that needs to be achieved, the area that needs to be covered by paint, and the type of surface that needs to be painted. A matte used in the bathroom, for instance, can begin to fade as it subjected to moisture and humidity day in and day out.

Failing to prep the surface

Preparing the surface prior to applying the paint will also help prolong color vibrancy. Allowing paint to dry before second application also creates a lasting effect on color. These steps will also help prevent cracking and bubbling hence ensuring quality and durability of painted surfaces.

Not taking sunlight into account

One of the primary causes of fading is sunlight. You should take into consideration the amount of sunlight a particular room gets, and how the color will fade and change over time.

You can prevent paint color fading by understanding what causes it in the first place. Before you begin painting, take some time to think about what the paint may look like in years to come so that you can have the best results.

If you’re thinking of tackling a painting project, feel free to touch base with one of our professionals for a quote. We’re here to help!