Ready to change your home up a bit this year? Need some painting tips? Want to start in the kitchen? It is after all, the number one room that people remodel.

Yet if you visit with a remodeler and start pricing out all of the options you would love to see in your new kitchen, you can get overwhelmed very quickly. Did you really want to invest in the mid-five figure range for all of your dream features?

There may be another way.5 Painting Tips That Will Remodel Your Kitchen Cabinets In No Time

If your kitchen cabinets are still in great shape, they are good quality wood installed by a brand name manufacturer, you may be able to paint your cabinets instead.

Keep in mind that painting your cabinets isn’t as easy as some of the other projects in your home. A can of paint and a paint brush may work on some projects, but not your kitchen cabinets. They will be on display for all to see. They will be used every day. And nothing says “amateur” more than a sloppy job on the intricate details that make up your cabinetry.

Painted vs Stained Kitchen Cabinets – How Do You Decide?

Spray on or Paintbrush?

There are many painters out there that can give you great quality results with either method. It isn’t so much the method you use as the professionalism of the job in the first place. Cabinetry has detail; from multiple angles and corners, to hinges and accessories. If you don’t prep properly, provide the proper coats of paint, or leave a sloppy mess inside or out, it will look anything but professional.

Proper Prepping

As with any paint job, the key to success isn’t in the painting process, it’s in the prepping process. Dirt, grease and grime can be imbedded into old cabinets; if you don’t remove it first it will cause problems down the road. It may mean sanding out rough patches. It may be fixing cracks and problem spots. It may be taping to avoid spills and drips. Before you start the project, make sure you are completely ready for the paint to be applied.

Labeling is crucial

You can’t paint your cabinets the way they exist in the kitchen. Each drawer front must be removed. Each door must be taken off the hinges. And all accessories – hinges and handles – must be taken off and set aside (or replaced). Yet when all of these things are scattered across the room, it’s very easy to lose sight of which piece goes where. Make sure you label every piece so you know exactly where it returns after the painting is completed.

Remove the existing paint

No matter what your current cabinets are made of, they have a high gloss coating used to protect the finish. Paint doesn’t adhere to this coating; try it and you’ll quickly find paint chipping, cracking and peeling. You must remove it with a liquid de-glosser or even a sander in some cases to get down to the material that paint will adhere to.

Paint thoroughly

Nothing says amateur more than half a paint job. Painting cabinets means covering every inch of the cabinet completely. Drawers, doors, shelves, walls, backs, sides, tops and bottoms. If any of the old color shows through, your professionalism deteriorates quickly. This applies to the entire process – from paint to finish.

Your final presentation will last for years. Make sure you do it in a complete way. The finished results will be worth it.

Rather hire a professional and get the job finished the right way the first time? Give us a call today.

Contact us about your Denver Interior House Painting ideas today.