Want to know what secrets professional Denver painters have that make their jobs so, well, professional?

Professional Denver painters actually use two things to their advantage.

First, they have a lot of experience. When you paint all day every day, you pick up tricks along the way that makes your job easier. You paint once every few years; they paint every day. By shear numbers, they will understand the ins and outs on a much greater scale than you will.

And second, they have the proper equipment. Because they paint every day, they invest in better equipment, top of the line tools, and “secret” products that enhance every step they take. When you do it yourself, it’s normally to keep within a budget. Which means you’ll choose the brush on sale, the least expensive paint – and of course try to do it all without the little extras that would increase your efficiency tenfold.

But if you were to ask a professional painter at a dinner party to share a few secrets with you, what would they be?

Cover up everything

Have you ever tried to repair drywall and paint the ceiling and walls while covering up only the furniture and decor closest to you at the time? Chances are that didn’t go very well. Dust, spray and paint undoubtedly got all over everything. A good painter knows that in order to keep everything clean and in its original condition, protection is key. Drop clothes are your friend – the more the better. Don’t just throw them down when you are working in an area. Use them generously and tape it into place as necessary.

Secrets From Professional Painters

Prepare the surface first

It’s easy to pull items off the walls and paint them to try and cover up previous damage. It almost never works. Nail holes will still be there after the pain is dry. Chips in the wall will still have indentions – just a new color covering it up. Painters putty or spackle should always be used to tackle every chip, crack and nail hole before you start in with your painting project. You never know when you’ll decide to move shelves or hand pictures in a different location.

Cleaning works

You know that table you pulled away from the wall to reveal dirt and grime along the floorboards? Paint won’t cover up dirt, grime and dust. In fact, it may prevent the paint from sticking as well as it should, meaning it could flake away and chip long before it should. Before you start anything, clean every inch of your walls with a cleaning solution and let dry.

Start with quality products

Everyone loves a sale. Which is why do it yourselfers usually scour the ads on the weekends looking for the cheapest paint possible. While it may save you money immediately, it may cost you in the long run. Are you getting the best for stain resistance? Will it cover fully? And never try and stretch a gallon of paint too far. Too thin and you’ll quickly see your old paint and color shining through.