“I want it to be purple, but not too purple. You know, a great purple-purple that really shows off the room. A purple that will stand the test of time.”

How would you define the perfect color choice for a room?

Color isn’t as easy as choosing the basics – red, green, yellow, blue. Within every color spectrum, within every shade of color, there are many subtleties that make the options endless. Want it lighter? Not a problem. A little more to the blue side? Sure, its possible.

Because there is an endless possibility it can also be hard to make a decision. Remember, colors represent emotion. Choose the “color emotion” perfect for your room, and you’ll love it every time you enter.

White is a traditional color that is associated with being clean and pure. Add white to a deep, vibrant color and it can make your room pop. Or use it alone to bring out the brightness of your home, allowing you to show off vibrant artwork or beautiful furniture and accessories.

Red is the color of energy, strength, power, passion and love. Hues can range from the very lightest of pinks to the darkest of reds. Add a touch of pink to your daughter’s bedroom and it can symbolize love and energy. Add a fiery red to your dining room and it can create a feeling of drama and passion.

The Perfect Color Choice For Your Room Is …

Yellow is the color of happiness, creativity and intelligence. Think of a sunny, tropical day when you view a room in yellow. Yellow is vibrant, alive. It can stimulate activity and creativity, making it the perfect choice for your work spaces. A light yellow is soft and delicate, making it the perfect choice for a nursery. Head to the dark yellows with shades of orange and it stimulate your appetite, making it the perfect choice for a kitchen or breakfast nook.

Green is always all around us in nature. Green will compliment most colors, and signifies growth, nature and harmony. Because of its connection with nature, it is associated with being a relaxing color, making it the perfect choice for every room in your home.

Blues represent the skies and the oceans. Its color represents trust, loyalty, truth, luxury and nobility. Softer blues are associated with youth and innocence. Deeper colors tend to bring out thoughts of richness and royalty.