How To Choose The Perfect Color For Your Exterior Painting Project

An exterior painting project can completely revitalize the look of your home as well as increase the curb appeal and value of the home. Whether you are planning on tackling the task on your own or hiring a team of professionals to get the job done, the success of an exterior paint project largely relies on choosing the right color for your needs and aesthetic. With a dizzying array of colors to choose from, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the process, but a few simple tips will keep you on the right track during your exterior painting project.

Take a drive through your favorite neighborhoods. Make notes of what draws you to the houses. Note the color of the siding as well as the trim around windows, doors, porches or shutters. For an even more complete trip, carry a digital camera and take photos of your favorite homes. When you get home, review the pictures and look for trends. Maybe you lean towards brightly colored homes with white trim or elegant dark homes with natural woodwork.

Consider your home’s surroundings. Your neighborhood, lawn and landscaping can have a huge impact on the color palette of your home. If you live in a southwestern home with hard packed clay and limited foliage, consider earth tones that complement the yellows and browns of your surroundings. If you live in a wooded area, consider classic combinations like green and cream for exterior siding and fixtures.

Work with the fixtures that are permanent. It’s possible but costly to paint or renovate exterior features like gutters, run offs and roofs.  Your best bet is to work with the colors of such features and pair them to your new exterior colors. For example, a brown roof will pair well with white, red and brown but may clash with deep blues, which work best with gray roofs.

Think outside the box. You aren’t necessarily limited to single colors, traditional colors or matching trim. Beautiful homes can be created from unexpected color combinations like a pale yellow house with bright blue trim. Consult a color wheel and look for complementary colors that pair well together in unexpected ways.

Be true to your aesthetic. What’s right for someone else’s home may drive you crazy a few years down the road. If you are in love with country style homes with whitewashed features and contrasting shutters, don’t shy away from the design just because your neighbors don’t use it. Choose a color that you know you will love five years down the road.