Looking at neutral paint colors? This allows you to change colors in your décor at a moments notice without having to repaint your walls.

The term neutral is one that is used quite a lot in interior design and decorating, yet can have a wide variety of meanings to individual homeowners. “Neutral is neutral – just paint it white” might be a common thought in some homeowners minds. But to a decorator, neutral means a whole lot more.

How To Choose Neutral Paint ColorsNeutral covers colors that aren’t bright or bold. Instead of adding vibrant color, neutral suggests you’ll be painting with varying degrees of black, beige, gray and white.

A neutral is typically created by mixing a pure neutral with another color to achieve a new hue. If you start with white and add yellow, it will create a yellow hue. Add blue and it will have a blue hue. And while adding more or less of a color may change the hue dramatically, overall it will always continue to be a neutral shade.

Remember, what looks white (or gray, or beige or black) on a paint chip at the home improvement store can take on a vast difference when you bring it home and apply it to your walls.

What You Should Know Before Changing Colors On A Wall

How do you select the right neutral color for you? Start with the décor throughout your home. If you can see the paint color from one room in another, both colors should work together so that they are not visually opposing one another. Which means its best to start with your color palette throughout your home.

Have an earthy shade of green in the dining room? The living room should have a neutral shade with green undertones in it. Blending; its all about blending.

Neutral paint colors will suit any style of home or architectural template. As long as the paint application itself is professional, you can expect your paint job to last anywhere from 7 to 10 years. And by choosing neutral colors, you add to the value of your home in the event you sell it in the coming months or years.

Contact us about your Denver Interior House Painting ideas today.