5 Secrets to Picking the Perfect Paint Color

Picking the perfect paint color is one of the most exciting and fun parts of refurbishing your home. You can let your own personal taste and personality come through in the paint color as well, and highlight your favorite home accents and rooms. While you can express your creative and artistic side, don’t go overboard when painting. Keep in mind that your home is a big investment, and the paint colors should complement your home, not overpower it.

Our pros have outlined 5 tips to keep in mind when picking the perfect paint color.

Decide on the mood you want to set in the room

You can invoke feelings by choosing different colors and saturations for your rooms. If you want to create a calm mood, consider pale blue or sage to give the room a relaxing feel. Bright colors such as yellow invoke feelings of happiness and vibrancy.

Remember that all surfaces are not the same

The ceiling should be at least one shade lighter than the walls since ceiling color looks darker on walls. The floor should be at least one shade lighter than the walls, because it always appears darker.

Make use of samples

If you’re still on the fence about choosing a paint color, use samples to find the perfect shade for your room. Try each sample on your wall until you find the absolutely perfect shade.

Think of paint as a complementary background

Instead of making an extra bold statement with paint color, consider tying it into the colors of your furniture and fabrics. Use bold shades for accents to complement the walls.

Always test paint colors

Be sure to paint big sample swatches in different areas of the room. Let them dry, and then paint a second coat so that you can correctly assess the paint color.

Keep your house looking beautiful by choosing the perfect paint colors for your home. You will add value your investment and have a beautifully painted house for years.

Contact us about your Denver Interior House Painting ideas today.